
Aikido KanjiAikido, literally translated as “The Way of Harmony with Universal Energy”, was founded by O-Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). It is a Japanese martial art based on the self-discipline of physical, interpersonal, moral, and spiritual levels. The techniques are based on principles of harmony and non-resistance. The aim of Aikido training is the promotion of peace and harmony and development of natural power (Ki) that unifies mind and body. Students learn that force and aggression are counter-productive to achieving harmony.

The Saskatoon Aikido club, or “Saskatoon Aikikai” was founded in 1978. We are located in Room 5 (downstairs) of the Albert Community Centre at 610 Clarence Avenue South (corner of Clarence Ave & 12th St). The club is run as a non-profit volunteer organization. Club dues go toward dojo rental and maintenance. We are an affiliate of the Canadian Aikido Federation.

A look inside the Saskatoon Aikido Club


Summer Schedule 2024

Geoff Cotton May 28, 2024

As we start into another summer, the outside air and sunshine are calling. Through June, July and August, we will run classes on Wednesday at 7:30 and Saturday at 9:30am. Tuesday and Thursday classes will resume in September.

Children’s Class – 2022 Spring Term

Ilia Rudnitskiy March 13, 2022

Greetings to all our little Aikidoka! After a long break, we are once again resuming our Saturday Children’s class beginning September 18th. Class fees are $80/student per term. Please ensure your child is wearing either a white gi uniform or appropriate gym clothing (i.e. sweatpants and t-shirt). Shorts are not recommended.

For new students, there will be a standard waiver to sign at the beginning of class. See you on the mats!